"Designing a Career in Marketing Academia" Annual Workshop
This workshop is an intense two-day experience where attendees (pre-tenure female marketing faculty and some senior doctoral students) live in a house together and participate in a design-thinking inspired investigation into career planning and success.
With the support from a one-time conference grant from the Association for Consumer Research, we held the inaugural event in July of 2015. In 2016, we began running the event using Sheth Foundation funding. These meetings have been exceptional. With its small group format (20 attendees) and intensive program over two days, the invited women have a tremendous opportunity to learn, problem-solve, and develop a cohort for themselves. The group is guided by the workshop organizers, with the goal of developing insights and sharing experiences related to career navigation and leadership in the field.
The “alumni” so far maintain an active social media group, and arrange follow-up meetings at professional conferences. In 2019 we ran a 5-year celebration event. After having to take a hiatus due to the global pandemic, in 2022 we are excited to return to our in-person format. We look forward to continuing our tradition of helping female marketing scholars forge the careers they seek.
The organizers of this event are:
June Cotte, Ph.D., Scott & Melissa Beattie Professor in Marketing, Ivey Business School, Western University, jcotte@ivey.ca
Joan Ball, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing, Peter J. Tobin College of Business, St. John’s University, ballj@stjohns.edu