Helen van der Sluis
University of South Carolina
Helen van der Sluis is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of South Carolina. She earned her Ph.D. in marketing from Arizona State University. In her research, Helen examines how often-stigmatized social factors such as gender and disability both shape and are shaped by the marketplace, and what consequences result for consumers, marketers, and policymakers. Her research has earned the Honorable Mention 2020 ACR/Sheth Foundation Dissertation Award (Public Purpose Track), the Best Competitive Paper Award at the 2021 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, and the Best Working Paper Award at the 2018 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference. She is personally and professionally interested in the ways we can improve accessibility across different spaces, and enjoys her current role teaching marketing research to undergraduate students.
In her free time, Helen enjoys reading cookbooks and hiking with her partner, Joe, and dog, Mucca.